Friday, June 20, 2008

Blog Stage 6

I agree strongly with many of the statements made regarding teh flaws in America's education system however i see a lot of overgeneralizations in this post which I find a bit unreasoned.
First, I could not agree more that the No Child Left Behind act is a bizarre and ineffective way of dealing with undereducated citizens. Imagine if we as a nation delt with all problems in this way, forcing all of the talented and gifted individuals to humble themselves in efforts to raise the below average up to an average standard. We would end up with a nation of mediocrity, and in fact we may be doing just that. In sports the most talented athletes are rewarded and education should be no different. In career settings the best and most hard working are rewarded not forced to lesser themselves in efforts not to outshine others.

I assume that the author of this post and I are in agreement that standardized tests are a good way to make education trivial and petty, however i disgree that America's education system is the root of all of our nations problems.

I think this post establishes some very important points about the ridiculousness of our nations current educational system. However I believe the overgeneralizations harm the author's argument and I dont know that I would compare the No Child Left Behind act to terrorism.

Thus while I agree that the No Child Left Behind act needs to be improved upon if not completely scratched, I'm not quite convinced I would label it "The Root of All Evil."

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