Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Libertarians Stronger Than Ever?

In Julie Bosman's New York Times article "Libertarians Dream of Being the Tie Breaker," Libertarians are portrayed as stronger and more capable of impact than ever. This article discusses how Ron Paul not only gained support for the Libertarian party in mass amounts, but also how many Libertarians are aiming to keep McCain out of office through stealing away Republican votes in the upcoming election.
Though it has become obvious that John McCain will be the Republican Party candidate, Ron Paul did gain 1.1 million votes in the primaries, and the article points out that in Libertarian stronghold states Ron Paul gained 20% of the Republican vote. Clearly there is a Libertarian movement occurring.
With the growing number of interest in Libertarian ideals, many Libertarians hope that by rallying people to vote for their candidate Bob Barr and in turn ruin McCain's chance at being elected.
This article discusses a number of important issues and good news for Libertarians, but is relative to citizens of all political parties because the Libertarian movement will inevitably impact the number of votes for the Democratic and Republican candidates possibly shifting power away from one to the other.

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